How to Find guidance and Support

While the physical toll of going through cancer is enormous, many people say that the most difficult aspect of having cancer is actually the mental, emotional, and spiritual turmoil that a cancer diagnosis brings.

There are many ways you can connect with a counseling professional in person, over the phone, or online. Here are some of the best resources for finding guidance and support:

Talk to a Cancer Therapist

Colorado Cancer Counseling 

Get the emotional support, coping skills, guidance and resources you need to successfully navigate the difficult journey through cancer treatment and survivorship with Colorado Cancer Counseling! Melanie Stachelski is a Cancer Therapist, Licensed Professional Counselor, and a 13-year Cancer Survivor who is dedicated to helping people not only survive cancer, but to THRIVE!

Talk to an Oncology Social Worker

1-800-813-HOPE (4673) or

CancerCare provides individual and group support to anyone affected by cancer. CancerCare’s cancer-focused emotional support is available in English and Spanish and centers on the emotional and practical challenges that arise from cancer. Oncology social workers provide short-term, strengths-based emotional support and may also assist in locating practical assistance, including community resources.

Cancer Support Community

The Cancer Support Helpline is staffed by counselors and resource specialists who are available to provide emotional support as well as information and referral to local, regional and national resources to anyone impacted by a cancer diagnosis.

One-On-One Peer Support

Sometimes the best support you can get is from someone else who has also been through this.  Talk one-on-one with another person who is around your same age, with a similar diagnosis, and a similar treatment plan:

Imerman Angels

Imerman Angels partners individuals seeking cancer support with a “Mentor Angel.” These one–on–one relationships inspire hope and offer the chance to ask personal questions and receive support from someone who is uniquely familiar with the experience. Mentor Angels can lend support and empathy while helping cancer fighters and caregivers navigate the system, determine their options and create their own support systems.

Patti Robinson Kaufmann First Connection Program (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society)

First Connection is a peer-to-peer program that links newly diagnosed patients with trained volunteers who have experienced blood cancer firsthand and can understand a patient's experience.  Trained volunteer survivors offer caring support and information by sharing their special perspective on the recovery process.  

Support Groups

Click on these links to find a listing of support groups and classes for cancer survivors:

Colorado Cancer Coalition

Boulder Community Health

Online Support

My Life Line

Assists people dealing with cancer to create their own free website for communication, coordination of care (helping calendar), information, inspiration, and fundraising

Support for Caregivers

Click Here for a list of resources for Caregiver Support. 

What to do if you are in Crisis

Colorado Crisis Services provides free, confidential, professional, 24/7/365 support for any mental health, substance use or emotional concern. Call 1-844-493-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 38255 to speak to a trained professional.